The CPS underwriting motto is “Never Say Never”. We are experts in the field of impaired risk underwriting. We know how to obtain the most competitive offers for your clients from the highly rated and well-respected carriers that we represent.
We offer serveral ways for you to communicate the details of your client’s health condition to us. These include:
XRAE – a comprehensive online interview allowing you to ask all the right questions, and communicate it seamlessly to your CPS Marketing Rep.
Quick Quote Questionnaires – Download and complete these impairment specific questionnaires, fax or email to your CPS Marketing Rep., and get a preliminary offer within 48-hours.

Best Fit for Every Client
Underwriting Information And Presentations
Did You Know?
A growing set of helpful information sheets that can assist you and your client in various Underwriting related areas. Additional sheets will be added as they become available.
Things To Do Before Your Insurance Exam
Impaired Risk Presentation
An online audio/visual presentation detailing the benefits of using CPS’ Underwriting Department when working to get coverage for your clients with potentially adverse underwriting issues. Contact your local CPS offices for assistance with your Impaired Risk cases.
Click here for the Presentation
Call your CPS Marketing Rep. to discuss the details of your case.